Mango – The ‘tail’ of a dog who loves to make you smile
The friendliest, and funniest, member at Kids Dental Group isn’t a doctor, hygienist, assistant or receptionist. She’s furry, soft and four years old. Meet National Service Dog (NSD) Mango, our very own Facility Dog. Here’s Mango’s story.
When Mango was born on April 4th, 2012, the National Service Dogs Association knew she was special. As a puppy, it was clear that Mango knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. A dog that loves to make people smile. To achieve this goal, Mango went through some pretty amazing training. She was specially trained and placed by professionals for her high level of obedience, great temperament and unique skills. Thanks to her training, Mango knows how to provide therapy to kids, specifically in a dental setting.
After anxiously waiting for a year for the right facility dog for our clinic, National Service Dogs found the perfect fit for Kids Dental Group! Mango came to visit our office and waggled her tail during the whole visit. She chose us as her home and we couldn’t be more excited. Today, Kids Dental Group is very proud to have NSD Mango as the first Facility Dog working in a dental setting in Ontario!
Mango’s work is magic. She can instantly stop tears, fears and any jitters that you might have coming to the dentist. Most kids love when she sits on dental chairs with them – some kids even rest their legs on her during a checkup! This really helps to alleviate any anxiety and even to create some smiles. Here are some other neat facts about NSD Mango:
What type of dog is she? Black Labrador
Where does she live? Mango lives at Dr. Zee’s house. Dr. Zee is her foster mom
What is Mango’s favourite birthday gift? Anything squeaky
Does she get her teeth cleaned too? Absolutely! Mango sits still while the team cleans her teeth
Mango is very clean and well behaved. She knows to come to you only when she is needed. When Mango is wearing her national service dog coat she is “working.” Mango is so well trained that when she’s working, she walks slowly, doesn’t bark or jump to help everyone feel calm. If you want to meet her, just let her know. She loves to shake a paw.
If you can’t find Mango, don’t worry. She’ll be back soon. Mango is likely outside ‘doing her business’ or just taking a lunchtime walk. If not, Mango could be in the backroom snacking on her favourite food – fruit! (We like to think that’s how she got her name).
If your child would like to spend time with Mango during the next orthodontic or pediatric appointment, please call our Richmond Hill, Markham or Stouffville office to inform the receptionist.