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Did You Know That Bad Oral Hygiene Could Affect Your Overall Health?

Most people know that good oral hygiene is an important factor for a healthy mouth and great smile. But did you know that poor oral hygiene can harm your body? Pay special attention to tooth and gum care or you may endanger your overall health.

The mouth is the “gateway to the body. It is the portal through which you nourish and care for your body, so it is not surprising that lack of oral heath can affect your whole body.

Basic oral hygiene includes:

  • Brushing teeth at least twice a day
  • Flossing everyday
  • Avoiding sugary, cavity-causing food
  • Avoiding tobacco products
  • Visiting your dentist regularly

Failure to do any of the things above can lead to several heath consequences:


Every time we eat, we build a layer of bacteria over our teeth called dental plaque. When teeth are not cleaned, more bacteria forms on top of the plaque already present, which could result in cavities. When plaque builds under your gums, infections can occur that are dangerous to the health of your gums and the bones that support your teeth.

Cardio Vascular Disease:

People that neglect oral hygiene are proven to be more likely to develop heart disease. A build up of bacteria in the mouth can enter into your blood stream, narrowing your arteries. The clot-promoting protein in plaque can clog arteries and cause serious heart damage.

Respiratory Infections:

The Journal of Periodontology found that gum disease from lack of oral hygiene can cause infections in your lungs, including pneumonia! Breathing bacteria from infected teeth and gums over a long period of time will contaminate your lungs, leading to disease.

Great oral care is the first and easiest step to a healthy mouth and body.

Contact our Markham, Stouffville, or Richmond Hill office to book a consultation now.

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