The Do’s And Don’ts of Teething Remedies

The Do’s And Don’ts of Teething Remedies

Teething is a significant milestone in your baby’s development. Despite the beautiful toothy smiles, the teething process isn’t easy. The process is characterized by fussiness, loud wailing, and sleepless nights that might drive you to seek out a Richmond Hill, Markham, or Stouffville dentist for help.

While there are safe and proven teething treatments, there are others that are not only ineffective, but can compromise your child’s dental health. Let’s dive in and explore the do’s and don’t of teething remedies! 

The Do’s 

  • Teethers. Having your baby chew on a cold teether provides relief. It breaks down the gum tissue to encourage the tooth to emerge. Just be sure to pick a large and firm teether made from non-hazardous material. 
  • Massage the baby’s gums. A gentle massage with your bare fingers or a clean washcloth helps to ease the pain. The gentle pressure helps soothe the aching gums and is excellent for your baby’s oral hygiene. 
  • Offer them something cold. Cool a clean wet washcloth by placing it in the fridge and let your child gnaw on it. The cold provides pain relief by numbing the gum and reducing inflammation. Avoid frozen veggies as they might harm the gums.


  • Amber necklaces. These necklaces supposedly contain succinic acid, which penetrates the gums to offer pain relief. There’s no proof to support these claims, but these beads in the necklaces pose a choking hazard. 
  • Disregard fever. Teething is associated with diarrhea, fever, and nappy rash, but that’s just a coincidence. Teething only causes drooling and irritability, nothing more. Babies are susceptible to numerous viral illnesses during this period, and that’s what elicits the additional symptoms. 
  • Teething gels and medicine. Gum numbing products may contain ingredients that are ineffective and  associated with severe health risks such as seizures. It’s always best to check with your Pediatric Dentist or Pediatrician before giving your baby medicine or using topical teething gels. 

Don’t Take Chances with Your Child’s Dental Health 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s teething, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Visit us at our Richmond Hill, Markham, and/or Stouffville dental office, and we can ensure your child gets a head start in dental hygiene. We offer a variety of services such as cleanings, fillings,  braces, extractions and have thorough training on how to best serve children with special needs! Fill out our contact form to request an appointment today. We look forward to meeting you and your children!

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