What To Do When Your Child Loses a Tooth

What To Do When Your Child Loses a Tooth

Baby teeth are a natural part of oral development. They start to come in around 6 months of age. Whether your child loses a tooth naturally and gets a visit from the tooth fairy, or knocks one out accidentally – it’s important to be there for them! 

How To Comfort Your Child

The first thing you should do when your child loses a tooth is clean the area with a soft wash cloth or gauze. In addition, our friends at Colgate recommend having your child rinse with salt water to keep the area sterilized (it may be unpleasant, but well worth it). After your child is done with the rinse, place a cool tea bag or gauze where the tooth used to be. Any bleeding should stop within 10 minutes, but if it doesn’t, please don’t hesitate to call one of our Kids Dental Group locations.

If your child is experiencing any irritation after losing their tooth, we recommend giving them a dose of a children’s analgesic if required. This will help reduce the inflammation so they can get a good night sleep and get a visit from the tooth fairy! We also recommended that your child avoids brushing the socket for at least 24 hours, while the area heals.

Bring Your Child In For A Visit

We would love to help your little one with their smile! To learn more about pediatric dentistry or our locations in Markham, Richmond Hill and Stouffville – contact us on our website. Your little one’s oral health is our top priority! 

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